Club Returns For New Season

The 5th September saw Focus Photography Club return from the summer break to what is hopefully another successful season. This was just an introduction night for new members or anyone with an interest and wanting to see what the club was all about. It also allowed returning members to catch up and at times show off new images and gear.

Our first real club night was on the 12th and this was a presentation by Michael Carbery on composition. This was aimed mainly at beginners but hopefully there was something there for everyone. We then broke off in to smaller groups and the remainder of the evening was dedicated to Photoshop and Lightroom. These sessions allow more advanced members to share their knowledge with less knowledgeable members. Although no matter what the skill level everyone always learns something new at these sessions.

Our first guest speaker of the season was Keith Elgin. His presentation ‘The Road To Distinction’ was very well received. Accreditation and salons are something that only a small few in the club partake in but hopefully from Keith’s inspiring presentation and words many more will take the plunge.

Keith Elgin ‘The Road To Distinction’


The 26th saw our print selection for Round 1 of the NIPA Interclub competition. Last year saw us climb the ranks to finish in a very respectable 7th place. On hand to offer his expertise and knowledge was William Allen. William had some very complimentary words to say about the level of photography in the club and this is always very much appreciated. 

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