Club Update
It’s been quite a while from our last update, almost seems like a lifetime ago. As with last season we have been restricted in what we can do face-to-to face by the ongoing Covid restrictions. With these in mind the committee has tried to get as well balanced a calendar as possible. This has involved some outdoor meetings and the now mandatory Zoom presentations.
Our first guest speaker of the season was by Alf Myers with a presentation entitled ‘On The Streets’.
Next was a Lightroom/Photoshop evening were members showed examples of how they use these tools to edit their images.
An unusual evening was one entitled ‘Committee Surprise’ – this involved committee members bringing in an assortment of items that the members had to photography using available light, flash and continuous lighting. Some very interesting images were produced 🙂
The first outing of the season was to the Ulster Aviation Society for a evening shoot. This allowed members to photography the Society’s exhibits under darkness using mainly continuous light. A cold but very enjoyable evening.
Astro Photography is another genre that is enjoyed by our members but as always the weather in this country is so unpredictable. Yes on the night that we met up there was wall to wall cloud, so no star trails. This didn’t stop a nice turn out as members turned their cameras to the horizon instead of the stars.
Next up was a Lightroom masterclass by Joe Houghton. Joe took images that some of our members had submitted and showed how he would use Lightroom to edit them. Was very interesting to see the comparison between our members finished edit and Joe’s.
With a slight change to the calendar we had a presentation on Aviation Photography by Michael Carbery. This involved some tips, photos and stories behind the images.
The last outing before the end of the year was to Belfast to photograph the Christmas lights and market. As it turned out the queue for the market was deemed to long to be worth a visit so the lights got all our attention.
Our Christmas dinner was next and a lovely evening was had by everyone that attended. This was the start of our Christmas break.
Into the New Year and our first club night was a fantastic talk by Brian Sandham. This was a talk on portraiture, with a few other genres sprinkled in.